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Showing posts from May, 2023

St Philip Neri (memorial), 26th may 2023

Readings at Mass Liturgical Colour: White. Year: A(I). These are the readings for the feria First reading Acts 25:13-21  © 'I ordered Paul to be remanded until I could send him to Caesar' King Agrippa and Bernice arrived in Caesarea and paid their respects to Festus. Their visit lasted several days, and Festus put Paul’s case before the king. ‘There is a man here’ he said ‘whom Felix left behind in custody, and while I was in Jerusalem the chief priests and elders of the Jews laid information against him, demanding his condemnation. But I told them that Romans are not in the habit of surrendering any man, until the accused confronts his accusers and is given an opportunity to defend himself against the charge. So they came here with me, and I wasted no time but took my seat on the tribunal the very next day and had the man brought in. When confronted with him, his accusers did not charge him with any of the crimes I had expected; but they had some argument or other with him abo


HOME   UPDATES  SAINT OF THE DAY SUNDAY 14TH MAY 2023 Saint Of The Day Sunday 14th May 2023  By Martony 14th May, 2023 ST MATTHIAS THE APOSTLE   & ST. MICHAEL GARICOÏTS, PRIEST, FOUNDER OF PRIESTS OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS OF BÉTHARRAM St. Matthias , (flourished 1st century  CE , Judaea—died, traditionally  Colchis , Armenia; Western feast day February 24, Eastern feast day August 9), in the  New Testament , among the  12 Apostles , the  disciple  who, according to  Acts of the Apostles  1:21–26, was chosen to replace  Judas Iscariot  after  Judas  betrayed  Jesus .  Jesus’ choice of 12 Apostles points to a  consciousness  of a symbolic mission—originally there were 12 tribes of Israel—that the  community  maintained after the Crucifixion. Acts reveals that Matthias accompanied Jesus and the Apostles from the time of the baptism of Jesus to the  Ascension  and that, when it became time to replace Judas, the Apostles cast lots between Matthias and another candidate, St.  Joseph