Welcome to Block Rosary Crusade Nigeria Prayer, Penance & Sacrifice ABOUT Block Rosary is a Mother’s call to her children. Block Rosary is designed in Heaven and brought to earth by the Mother of God. Block Rosary neighbors PRAY together; Block Rosary Neighbors STAY together. Block Rosary is our Lady’s answer to the Communist block plan. Block Rosary fosters love of neighbor. (“Thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self,” Matt. 19:19). Block Rosary brings Christ in our midst, ( “Where two or three are gathered together, there am I in the midst of them,” Matt.19:20). Block Rosary unites people who love God. Block Rosary’s quiet voice within neighborhood is powerfully apostolic. It is neighborhood astir for God. A Block Rosary neighborhood is a safe neighborhood. There is no room for Block Rosary and crime on the same street, The Rosary is the Ark of the Covenant, bearing within it, the manna of Christ, the rod of His holy cross and the law of His divine love. The Ros...
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